AR contractors collecting soil samples for remedy design.
The first task in conducting the remedy agreed to by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and Atlantic Richfield Company (AR) is to conduct a set of baseline studies, as well as complete investigations necessary to design the remedy.
AR did not wait for the final consent order, but moved forward with work in fall of 2013.
In 2014, AR began to complete the initial remedy design. In order to do that, we conducted further investigations onshore to delineate excavation areas, as well as to further identify subsurface obstructions and locate existing and abandoned utilities. Offshore, we further delineated areas which may require dredging, as well as began to determine dredge limits. In addition, we advanced additional geotechnical borings offshore for remedy design.
In 2015; Atlantic Richfield performed additional off-shore sampling to supplement the pre-design investigation as well as completed the baseline surveys (fish collection and baseline air monitoring) to further the collection of information necessary for the remedy design and post remedy monitoring.
AR also submitted several documents in 2015 to further the remedial design including;
In 2016, Atlantic Richfield continued pre-design activities and performed the following work;
Atlantic Richfield has reached a significant milestone with the submittal of the Preliminary Design for Operable Unit 1 (OU1) and Operable Unit 2 (OU2) to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (Department) on November 29, 2017. This Preliminary Design was prepared pursuant to the NYSDEC's OU1 Amended Record of Decision (ROD) and OU2 ROD; as well as the Amended Order on Consent; the Remedial Design Work Plan; and the Pre-Design Investigation Data Summary Report with additional data. The Preliminary Design provides a basis of design for the remedy and initial design elements which will be reviewed and discussed with the Department and various stakeholders for the preparation and submittal of the Final Design.
AR contractors performing drilling for the collection of soil samples.
AR contractors providing utility clearance to ensure that areas are unobstructed before soil boring is advanced.
AR contractor performing baseline sampling in the Hudson River (river bottom imaging).
AR contractor performing surface water collection for baseline sampling.
AR contractors performing fish collection for baseline sampling.