Drillers reviewing engineering and safety work plans.
As a company, Atlantic Richfield Company (AR) demands the highest standards of health and safety from all of our employees, contractors and subcontractors.
Our goals are simple: no accidents, no harm to people and no damage to the environment.
AR uses real-time air monitoring as part of its safety procedures.
For the next several years, the focus at One River Street will remain on safe remediation of environmental contamination.
For every phase of this work, AR evaluates any potential exposure risks to the community and follows the most stringent guidelines in handling and disposing of these materials to minimize any risk and to safeguard the community.
For example, during building demolition, crews use dust suppression measures and real-time air-monitoring equipment.
All materials removed from the site are transported by licensed haulers and disposed of at licensed and regulated incinerators or landfills in accordance with state and federal regulations. Trucks follow routes selected by the Village during prescribed hours.
Safety Officer providing instructions when working with open manholes.
AR utilizes some of the most stringent safety standards in the industry. Whether workers are driving vehicles, operating machinery or simply observing work, AR demands the highest standards of care, attention and performance. AR expects every member of our team to play a role in making this a safe project and, in turn, has given authority to every single person on site to stop any activity at any time for health or safety concerns.